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Friday, September 18, 2009

LONG week, TGIF & lost a pound!

Its been a week from hell this week and I'm glad its finally over.  I did lose one pound and I'm mad at myself for not making time to exercise.  I will go back to the gym next week and will try to do some running this weekend.  I'm going to run in a few small 5k's in the next 2 months.  So I need to get back to practice of running times.  Its funny that in the 2 weeks I didn't exercise, I lost the 2 lbs I'd gained.  Hmmm.
My boss who visits once a quarter finally left and I swear, he spent every minute in my office with me.  I had deadlines this week that I had to meet on two projects so I spent every night this week arriving at the office at 8am and not getting home until 8pm except for one night ---b/c I didn't get home until after 9pm.  The projects I had to work on also created a lot of stir for the rest of my large office (120 people) b/c it affected them and I had to deliver some bad news for some.  That's what wears me out.  UGH.  I also found out that a very dear friend and co-worker was severed on Monday.  She actually hired me 16 years ago and is an absolutely loved person at our company.  At the high position she was, she'll be well taken care of with her severance pkg, but wow, it really made me sad b/c I will miss her. A LOT.  We will remain good friends outside of work - she wants to write a book - and said she won't use my real name! LOL.
Today, I am holding a "team building" - I'm taking all my supervisors (men included) for shopping and lunch at a really nice outlet mall type place about an hour from here.  We'll go to the Yankee Candle factory, get a lot of our Christmas shopping done hopefully and I'll buy everyone a great lunch.  Then we plan to leave early - around 2pm - and we'll all go home early today.  WOOO HOOO.  Believe it or not, the guys who work for me are really cool.  They will actually go shopping with us and enjoy it b/c they buy stuff for their wives.  We do enough "boy" stuff throughout the year so they done mind this one "girl" outing.  We all need this stress reliever!
When I am severed, whenever that might be, I am actually looking forward to slowing down and enjoying life at home a little bit.  I miss being home with my kids.  I also know that there are stresses from being at home FT too - the balance must be struck there too - when its just too much and you just need to get out, socialize, and do something other than clean, cook, and shuffle kids.  This week my kids kept asking - "Mom, are you going to come home on time tomorow?"  Thank goodness Mr. Coconuts is such a great Dad and does so much more around the house.  I couldn't work this job without him.


  1. Great! Another pound! You are just about to bust through that 220 mark. Right on!

    Good for you keeping up the work/home balance for so long. I was never good at it and went part-time after my second son was born. But...so happy I did this. Sounds like you will do well with a break, whenever that time comes.

    Have a great day, sounds like fun!

  2. I find it so inspirational that during all of this stress you're still giving up a pound here and there. Well done!

  3. Congrats on your loss! It's really impressive given the stressful week you had. It sounds like you've prepared for the potential of being layed off, so I bet you'll find that you like the time at home!

  4. Gen I hope to catch up with your GREAT work! Thanks for the encouragement - every singe pound really counts and is so hard to achieve!
    I'd like to work part-time eventually. Do you work part time now?
    Vi - thanks for thinking I'm inspiring - I don't feel like it most days but it sure is nice for you to think so!! :) Wait till you find out what I did today....
    Robyn - thanks girl! I'm thinking that the higher stress makes my band tighter - I had more stuff get stuck this week. also the high stress causes me to not have time to eat - so when I do, I eat to fast, and you got it - stuck!!!! My friend's layoff at work really hit my husband - I think for the first time - so we've been talking about more ways to save more money. It helps when he's on board with my savings plan! wink!


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