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Monday, August 3, 2009

Learning what it feels like to be full

I was able to eat anything I wanted this evening for dinner. I was starving and I ate tortellini with red pasta sauce. I ate a lot of it. I was very hungry b/c I got home from work at 7pm, and ran/walked for an hour. I only had oatmeal (not instant) and 2 slices of turkey for lunch. I ate an apple on the way home from work. I felt satisfied, not necessarily full after the 2 slices of turkey. I'm really trying to eat the protein first. Overall I ate well, I'm fighting not eating something really sweet like I want right now. Peanut butter, ice cream, chocolate - any of that will do. But I'm resisting and filling myself with more pasta sauce b/c it has large pieces of lean hamburger (protein). I always give in. Cravings are supposed to pass right? That's what I keep reading.

I'm glad I worked out today. I went to a running store on Sunday and bought some Brooks running shoes. Expensive, they were $99, and I'm not entirely sure they feel great when I run. I'll give them another few runs to see if they work well. I'm trying to train myself for a half marathon the first week of September. Its 4 weeks away and I can only run 15 mins at a time. Today and Saturday, I couldn't make it the full 15 mins. I had to walk after 10 mins after the second run segment. I did increase the pace to 4.5 mph - which was difficult. I also bought a knee brace to try to alieve the stress on my injured knee. That worked well even though it was hot and bulky. I can't believe how much I sweat when I run. Seriously. Now if I can only keep it up for another 3 times this week.

I have to have some minor surgery to have a cyst removed from the back of my neck and another from my side. I hope its simple enough to not hold me back from exercising properly this week. I want to get it done this week - 5x this week. I'll keep you posted to see if I can actually make this happen this week.

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