Hmmm, do we have a type? I mean I guess we do have a preference for or a type that we'd 'like' to look like if it was really a choice and genetics didn't play a role. I don't want to look skinny - I want to look shapely and athletic. I also like women who have great shoulders and defined biceps. That, my friends, is definitely NOT in my genetics. Won't happen no matter what I do. But that's ok. I build muscle really easily in my legs and I have great legs! Just think what they'll look like when I'm 40 lbs lighter and am running like I'm supposed to!
New Years plans around here keep changing. We're supposed to go to an invitation only party at one of my favorite oceanfront restaurants/bar. One couple in our small group has already bowed out - party poopers!! The other 3 are still hanging in. I also still need to get a sitter.....
I ran today on the boardwalk. It was a gorgeous 50-60 degrees today. Its really tough when you get back started into running. I ran only 3.5 miles and had to stop for some 30-60 second walk breaks - about 5 times. I can't wait for the day when you get to the point where you feel like you can run forever. Its such an awesome feeling when you get there. I know it won't take me long - as long as I'm consistent. I just cannot tell you how great that is. You feel so powerful and content and strong! Its AWESOME!!
Right now the scale says, 190 - I'm up 6-8 lbs - I'm looking forward to those long 5-8-10 mile runs so that I can also torch some calories and get these pounds off!
I also stopped at the new lululemon store on the way home, had some starbucks, then met my husband and daughter for sushi for a late lunch. After that we took the kids to the movies - and saw Sherlock Holmes. It was entertaining for sure. I liked it! What a wonderful day!
I hope you all are have a great weekend too!