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Saturday, December 18, 2010

Snow Days

I took this pic of the kids a few weeks ago and it just makes me laugh.  I wanted them to take a nice picture together and it was useless.  Just wanted to share a couple of kids having a belly laugh.

Now about the weather- well,  it never snows here and we got snow last Thursday and it looks like it may snow tonight too! That's a big deal here considering its snowed about 2x in the last 4 years.  So that I could cozy up on the couch this afternoon,  I went Shopping early this morning so I could knock a bunch of stuff off my list.  I was doing so well with my Christmas list - buying ahead and feeling well organized - and then time just got away from me!  I have a few more gifts to get at The Body Shop and Williams Sonoma.  Then, I'll finally be done.  I'm looking forward to having it ALL DONE.  I'll also be doing a lot of wrapping today.  That's so time consuming and I don't enjoy wrapping odd shaped kid toys.  Anyway, I decided to make an easy dinner since I'll be so busy.  I stopped in Panera and bought some bread bowls.  I'm going to make chili in bread bowls.  Cozy food!

I also stopped in Old Navy today and picked up a few things.  While there, I tried on some coats and I just didn't feel like they looked great on me.  I felt so puffy! I kept thinking - what would I look like 20 lbs lighter?  All you out there at 170-180 look pretty normal and great to me.  I can't imagine looking like that - looking more normal weight than overweight.  It must feel GREAT - so if you're there now and not appreciating it at the moment - stop and appreciate how great you look! :)  I went looking for a ski coat as I'm taking my Supervisors on a Ski Trip to Wintergreen Ski Resort on Tuesday.  We decided to do that as our 'team builder.'  I think it will be fun and I'm considering snowboarding.  I've been skiing before, but never a snowboard.  I'm curious if the rental boots are going to squeeze my calves so tight that it cuts off my circulation like they normally do.  I don't really go skiing often enough to justify buying my own boots, bindings, and skis or board.  Now that the kids are getting bigger, however, maybe I'll consider it.  I'd love to find some stuff second hand as I know there is such a ton of that out there.  I weigh less than I did the last time I went skiing so I'll let you all know how the calves fit into the rental boots!

On another note - last night I went out with my girlfriends for their birthdays.  We went to an elegant Italian restaurant and as a bonus I was having a great hair day.  Everyone else kept commenting on my haircut - its nothing extraordinary - but it sure is nice to have a good hair day every blue moon!  Its also nice to receive compliments - I need to make sure I pay other people more compliments.  Anyway, we went to a fun Irish bar afterwards that has a huge fireplace and roaring fire inside.  We got slightly buzzed - no hangovers - but just enough to be obnoxious and laugh so hard we nearly peed our pants.  I can't drink beer anymore b/c of the bubbles --- I do love a Corona Light with lime (especially on a beach in Mexico!) --- but I drank cranberry+absolut instead.  I've read that its one of the lowest calorie drinks and I like them.  What about you guys - do you have a signature drink or know the best/low calorie drink to have?

I am watching my calorie intake now.  One thing that has remained even with hardly any restriction, is that I just don't want to eat breakfast.  Its noon right now and so far I've only had coffee and a small sliver of a bagel (like an 1/8th inch piece).  I bought some protein shakes to help me with the protein intake once I get a fill.  And I decided to wait until the week after Christmas instead of next week to get that fill.  I'm in the stage of gathering the foods I know I'll need like refried black beans, apple sauce, Amy organic soups, and the protein shakes.   At present, my restriction is barely there but  it definitely shifts with my hormones.  I never get stuck anymore but I have a hard time eating only in the morning.  I also have to eat somewhat slow for the first few bites, but after that I can eat as much as I want.  Getting a fill is going to allow me to get to that place where I'm only eating a half cup of food at a time. I still have my centrum liquid vitamins and I'll be sure to continue to take those too b/c I feel that is really important.  I don't want to feel all lethargic and out of energy the last time I had real restriction.  I'm also considering making my own protein shakes so I can get more fruit and vegetables in.  I do have a question for you guys - when you make yourself a shake - do you have problems with all the bubbles that form?  I definitely can't drink carbonated drinks anymore - but besides beer - I never really drank them much anyway so I don't miss it at all.  Do you all use a juicer instead?  Juicers are pretty expensive - do any of you use one or have any recommendations?

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