I have about 4.5 weeks left until the half marathon. I know I won't be able to run the whole way, like last time (what an accomplishment that was) but I'm getting stronger and being able to at least run an hour to an hour and a half of the 3 hours its going to take me to finish will be a GREAT thing!
I'm still tracking what I'm eating on Livestrong - and doing that plus running = weight loss. Go figure. Eating 1200 calories and running actually works. Ha! I'm down to 195 today - that's 3 lbs down, so I'm very pleased.
I can't seem to update my weight tracker - anyone else have this problem? I get an error when I link to try to update it.
I also want to share with you all a little about my band and restriction since I think I'm a bit different than most. I don't have a lot of saline in my band - I can eat anything and I prefer it that way. I can eat homemade crusty bread, steak, honestly anything. The band DOES curb my hunger and the constant thinking about food that I used to have. The band DOES slow me down when I eat. I have a hard time eating in the morning sometimes and if I eat late, heartburn haunts me at night. That's not always the case - but its consistently the case dependent on my hormones. The reason I always went with low restriction is that I felt really scared when I got stuck and didn't like having a hard time eating raw vegetables or really tough veggies (like broccoli, carrots, celery, etc). It means I've really been a slow, slow loser. But I like it this way.