I was excited to surprise you with my trip to the game show - "The Price is Right" yesterday. We had tickets in hand, got to the CBS studios at 6:30a.m., waited in line with coffee and bagels, got on the lot, gave up our names, personal info, etc (in case we won a big prize), got our official 'infamous' name tags, got official photos taken for the show's producers, went through the interview (where you show as much energy as possible), and waited outside the studio itself about to go in and the show's announcer and producer (his real name is Adam Sandler-but not THE Adam Sandler) came out and announced that Drew Carey had hurt his shoulder and wouldn't be able to do the show today or tomorrow!
There were 300 pretty pissed off people who had all gone though this process - so many people who had made T-shirts, etc. all so upset b/c there would be no taping. Phooey!! I really wanted to see the show, and possibly be ON the show!
I'm so disappointed! Oh well....
I drove to Laguna Beach - and the water is just the most amazing deep aqua blue color. The waves crash a bright white too - its just so gorgeous against the deep blue color of the Pacific. Here's a few pics of the surfers I took with my cell phone:
I also visited some great yarn stores - I share a love of knitting with Tina! Anyway - look at the colors!
I did go running 6 miles this morning on Venice beach - the original Muscle Beach! I need to bring my cell phone and take some pics for you guys. Just 2 days ago, I ran down Wilshire avenue and passed the Playboy studio - that white one they featured on the show "The girls next door" all the time. Think for a moment about looking at yourself in the reflection of the Playboy studios window and thinking about how you look in your running gear and no make up! Ha! Ha! I wonder why they didn't stop me on the street as I ran by?! LOL....
This is a pic of the beach right outside of the hotel room we booked last night. My sister's house is getting full as my other sister and her daughter flew out last night. Today, my best friend is joining us so we decided to just split a hotel room for the rest of the week.

Anyway, I'll take some pics today and post them - I know I need to do a little more of that!