I happened to have open enrollment at my job this past week and found out that they have a bariatric rider, my husband's insurance that I'm currently on does not. So I signed up for insurance through my work, even though its more expensive than my husband's just to have the bariatric rider, just in case.
I don't want to have a gastric bypass. I also don't want my band removed. All you saw this coming, right? I am surprised, even though I knew this was a possibility. The thought of losing my band doesn't freak me out, it makes me unhappy. I love having the band and to be totally honest I love having the appetite suppression I feel as a side effect from this hernia. My acid issues are currently in check b/c I'm on prescription acid reducers. It's strange to have to be faced with this when I actually feel the best I ever have since I got the band.
Keep in mind, y'all, that I don't have a lot of fluid in my band. It's not even
The Dr said, it just happens sometimes and is (as we all know) a known complication from the band.
He want to perform him own endoscopy. I'm having that done on Monday.
I'm not sure what I'll do or what decision I'll make. I simply don't have all the fact or details yet. I have to do something and that something is likely going to be having the band removed and no gastric bypass.
On a side note, Thanksgiving is done, it was nice to spend time with family (hubby's first Thanksgiving since his mother passed away last Jan). We were busy preparing one Thanksgiving at our house for his family and then traveling to my mom's in the afternoon for Thanksgiving with my family. We have great leftovers and I plan to spend the entire day in my PJs eating my sister's potato salad and some turkey and gravy!
Christmas is only 4 Fridays away. Yikes. We have a lot of work to do to get the house decorated and gifts bought and wrapped for the kids and everyone else. This is our xmas card picture...
Hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend and get to do all the things YOU really want to. I hope all of you out there take at least a few mins or a few hours or few days doing what you really want and find happiness in doing so!