Whassa happnin' hotstuff?

Monday, March 30, 2015

I survived puking out the window while driving....

So, I slept pretty good last night, propped up on my multiple pillows so that my upper half is elevated to avoid the reflux waking me from a dead sleep puking water and acid.  My stomach was on lock down, coffee - nada!, milk - nope!, water - yes, a little.  I figured, it's just too early and it will subside.  So I made my wonderful iced coffee with milk and a little half and half for my breakfast while driving to work.  I get on this long and winding road - and suddenly begin to salivate.  My stomach is starting to cramp and more salivating.  I search for a plastic bottle, a cup, anything to puke into.  I have NOTHING and NO WHERE to pull off.  So I quickly press the window button to get that window down as fast as possible and I puke out the W-I-N-D-O-W!  Can you believe that?!?  I'm driving at 45 mph, on a two lane road in the woods and wrecking was a definite possibility.  I had slimed the side of my car, my hair, my shirt, the side of my face.
This is the same cramp I had before, also in a car, a few days after my endoscopy where I frantically signaled the driver (because I had a mouth full of spit) to pull over and I subsequently puked.  There was no nausea and this happened quickly.  It's like I have a charlie horse cramp, those cramps you get sometimes in your toes or calves, but in my stomach.  I puke and suddenly life is good, cramp goes away and it's like nothing ever happened.  My stomach and band are just a little sore.
And since this is the 2nd time this has happened in less than a month and it's never happened to me like that before, I decided it HAS to be the endoscopy.  Something happened b/c things are so irritated and different now.  I recall the gastroenterologist telling me she was a little worried that the camera might be too big, and if so she had a smaller one she could use.  I advised her that my band was relatively loose compared to most and so she said she'd try the larger b/c it was a better camera.  She told me afterwards that she was able to use the larger one.  What if she forced that larger camera, with good intent, but that force moved the band like it would if it slipped?  Something definitely changed, and I chalked it up to swelling after the procedure.  But it's not getting better.  I have some days that are better than others, but for the most part my stomach is on LOCK DOWN.  I'm not losing a lot b/c when I can eat, I'm eating the wrong things.  But not anymore.
I'm on the path to losing 10lbs by Memorial Day and I'm going to eliminate chocolate and Reese's Peanut Butter Easter Eggs.  We go camping (drinking, dancing, cooking) with a bunch of friends to a really fun place on the Bay every Memorial Day and I want to look good in a bathing suit and shorts.  It's a campground where they serve a buffet breakfast you can walk to, karaoke, fireworks, crafts, and a 24x7 ice cream store on premisis so it's not really CAMPING camping, but it's a ridiculous amount of fun!!    I'm going to eat clean and am already increasing the exercise.  I'm also doing a Color Me Rad run in a few weeks and Summer is right around the corner.  I'm smaller, but need to tone up!  I'm ready and I WANT the thrill of losing again and the thrill of wearing a smaller size!!!
It was SO great hearing and seeing comments from you guys.  Thanks for that - what an amazing community of supporters you guys are!!!
 This weekend with my husband drinking Orange Crushes.....so awesome!
He got shrimp, I got she crab soup and couldn't finish it all due to LOCKDOWN mode....

Have a great week everyone!


  1. Listen. this is why I carry multiple grocery bags in the car with me. Empty of course and make sure there are no holes in the bottom because I have had that happen before and its disgusting. I usually double bag just in case...but I have thrown up in my car in motion before. You have to be prepared! But in your case, we need to get to the bottom of this.

  2. Ha! So true!! It's been so long since I had any probs like this so I was totally unprepared. And no holes in the bag...great tip! Hahahahaha. I am going to call them today to find out when I can get in to see them!


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